Friday, February 27, 2009

BACK From Winter Break

Hello, everyone. I AM BACK TO SHANGHAI, hope all of you doing well!

I had no idea that I would enjoying such a long winter break traveling, spending the entire days eating, relaxing, doing nothing past that. It feels great to put off the "business face" and stay around with family and friends. I like the time at school and getting involved with work, but it is wonderful to get back in my own element. Attending college 2000 Kms away from family when you're used to seeing them whenever you want is really difficult....So, everytime I went back home, I shopped/cooked and stayed with parents, tried to see as many people as possible, and committed myself to helping high school students with their incoming college lives. Finally, this time I also traveled to cities like Dong-guan, Shenzhen and those in Hainan province, took the chance to observed how people live and do business. I took notes all the way and will post for that later to put down my thoughts. Overall, it's so great to not to worry about getting up for classes :P

Well...OK, here I am :) now back to school. Although homesick and missing folks, plus the annoying rainy days in Shanghai are tough, I'm ready to for everything ahead for the Year of Bull ! I will be right back for some forecast of incoming content on isteward, so see you soon.

Over the past few days, I had been seriously stuck with some S* caused by my newly purchased cellphone(see my post on live space if you want to show some concern J), hope it will end soon (bless~)

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Friday, February 20, 2009


By 阿杜.Steward

COLD CALL是咨询师工具箱里最令人作呕(对多数人而言)也是最重要的技能之一。

1. 什么情况下需要COLD CALL

对于从来没有cold call经验的同学,会产生疑惑-我只是想来做一份体面的实习,为什么要打那么多电话骚扰陌生人?毫无疑问,如果拥有先天禀赋,例如电台DJ般楚楚动人的声音,那么你将在电话交谈中占尽优势,更容易与对方产生化学作用从而更加得心应手。一旦你没有这些出类拔萃的油腔滑调先天优势,只是平凡人中的一员,则需要掌握一些方法从而提高成功率。

这是是你需要打cold call 的各种情况:
- 获取第一手资料(这常常比你在互联网上为了某些翻箱倒柜而来得快捷)
- 进行电话访问,了解顾客偏好,和竞争者动态,验证某种假设
- 联络供应商(在采购项目中常常需要广撒网地联络很多供应商)
- 推销产品 (像银行的理财产品、保险、红酒、英语培训等等)


2. “中间人”干扰因素

很多情况下,一个看似合乎情理,甚至能给对方带来巨大商业利益的cold call,你都不能指望那将一帆风顺。因为你的电话,首先遇到的往往都是训练有素的看谁都是电话骗子的前台和助理小姐。我们称之为“中间人”,中间人的职责就是将你与真正当受访者隔开。你的目的是要与真正的受访者建立关系,而“中间人”的角色会在半路杀出,给你添加许多麻烦。

有Cold call 经验的朋友都会面临这样一个问题,我们大量花在电话上的时间是用在接触那些不肯合作的“中间人”身上,这些家伙不是目标受访者,没有真正决定权,但制造出很多令人沮丧的事情让你极难接触到目标受访者。

她们会问你是谁,你为了说服她尽快帮你接通经理的电话,你把自己的国际化背景和这个项目巨大的合作机会全告诉她了,表达有条不紊。但你越是说得流利就是越是让人觉得”too good to be true”,于是你在她眼中越是符合骗子的特征了,她们更坚信你是骗子了。如果你说得结结巴巴,那对方则仍会认为你是骗子,并且是一个刚出道的骗子。没错,很多情况下一宗世纪大订单就这样被活生生被扼杀在摇篮里了,如果他老板知道他的白痴秘书这样拒了送上门的生意肯定会愤怒地解雇她五十遍。看似很讽刺荒唐,却是事实。很多情况下,秘书和行政助理会在你解释清楚情况前,告诉你不要再打电话来了。尽管大多数情况下cold call 的干扰因素无所不在,但在使用以下所建议技巧之前,请不要放弃:

3. 首次通话,如何对付“中间人”


A. 不要初期就深层次介绍。 不可能一次通话就交代清楚所有问题,需要分开步骤,逐步跟进。很多人在初期就与“中间人”做深层次分享和介绍,这是没必要的。放轻松些,有的时候一句带迫切语气的“麻烦转xx部经理”就可以绕过某些人了。


C. 谈吐得体,丰富你的词汇。 电话上对方会根据你的语气语速判断你是否成功人士。丰富你的词汇,绝对不要让人觉得你的言辞枯燥乏味。如果你的说话中不断使用单调的小学句式和“呃呃啊啊 ”之类的词汇,任何懂行当人都不会尊重你。记住,你已经入行多久,对这个行业有多少认识不重要,谁都会遇到不熟悉的问题,如果你需要思考,请大方地停顿,承认自己对某个问题不熟悉,并会做好记录。

D. 运用幽默,不要无事道歉。幽默可以缓解紧张的局面,自我贬低和无事道歉是不自重和自我贬低的表现。不要说“很抱歉耽误了你宝贵的时间,希望….”(我刚开始的时候确实这样说过)这样听起来像是乞求,难道你的时间就不宝贵吗?当你这样做时,你不仅是一个推销员,而且成了一个低级的推销员。幽默是高智商和有很强自信心的表现。要像领导教育的那样“战略上藐视,战术上重视”

E. 事先做些准备工作。通过互联网、人际关系了解对方公司、行业产品和服务的背景信息。或者先打几个无关紧要的电话到其他公司,阐明你是消费者,想了解相关信息的目的,通过与销售部门或者前台小姐的交谈了解情况,看这个公司的人是否有特殊需求。你会发现,你懂得越多,自信心越强,掌控对话越发容易。

F. 还击质疑,提供有力证明。 “中间人”会对你的观点提出质疑,不要感觉如履薄冰,对方最容易怀疑那种只会应声附和道人。假设你自己是一名经验丰富的员工,你不但能记住自己公司的名称地址传真号(没错,很多实习生由于准备不足,会在别人提问这些问题时哑口无言),而且能提及一系列客户公司以及在本行众所周知的人物的名字。与视图夸张地吹擂相比,谈及过去曾有的经历更为有效,从而将球踢回给对方。

G. 当直奔主题受阻时,不要操之过急。当对方没有对你的资料和谈话内容表现出兴趣,尽管会遇到阻碍,尝试雕琢一下你的言辞,换一个理由去见受访者:“我明白你的工作是xxx,实际上,我只有了解决策者的目的和期望后才能提交我们的工作步骤,我确信你们也会有类似的商业上信任和道德的考虑。”这种说法其实没有表达什么实质性内容,但会放对方觉得这里理由很恰当,因为你为他们设身处地想过了。实际上是在降低他们的风险,因为一旦“中间人”让业务无关的电话干扰到上司,最终承担批评的将是他们。

F. 问一些引人深思的问题。如果在电话中,大部分时间是你在滔滔不绝,那么另外一方肯定会听得不知所措云里雾里。事先准备好一些问题,在谈话中随意提问,不要让对方觉得你在审问他。不要担心对方说话太多会不愉快,相反,人在谈论自己熟悉的问题时总是心情畅快的。

4. FOLLOW UP, 持续跟进

以上我们讨论了首轮cold call中一些策略。同样严峻的是,Cold call 往往不是一蹴而就而是需要不断跟进的过程。有几种原因使你的跟进工作受到阻力,令你倍感沮丧:

1) 对方已经收到你的宣传资料、项目介绍,但没有表现出兴趣
2) “中间人”但应了帮你联系相关的同时,但从此没有给你回复
3) 你的跟进方法出了问题



B.停止反复骚扰。如果你能够接触到受访者的助理,询问一下受访者什么时候在公司,你就可以通过电话预约一次访谈。如果连续不能联系到受访者,在语音信箱留言或者告诉他的助理,说明你很遗憾没能联系到受访者,留下你所有的联系方式,解释你不想打扰,并且你时刻准备着随时给予回应。(绝对不要拨打私人电话,即使是你知道这个号码,除非是十万火急或者事先得到允许) 你没有收到回电,客户可能是不想和你通话,可能生病了,度假了,或者其他公司的事物占据了他的精力,如果你锲而不舍你会成为不受欢迎的人。

C.及时做好记录。做好记录十分重要。每打一个电话之后,及时记录进度和做好笔记。将所有cold call 的名单记录在电子表格上,系统地标记。你可以发送一封电子邮件跟进,在邮件中申明你的需求,突出重点,重新提醒对方。

D.欲速则不达,聪明地施加压力。在cold call 的过程中,耐心是一种强有力的技能。当你行动太快时,你会吓着别人,这点非常讽刺。提高你的速度,及时follow up进度没有错,但是急进不可取。你需要有自己的战略和惯用套路,你可以参考他人的套路,但是没有绝对的好差。如果你确实希望一切进展得快些,请制造一些客观压力。所谓客观压力,就是指让对方感觉压力来自于第三方而不是你本身。例如提示你们的顾问正在对方的城市跨区域地为项目疲于奔命,或是出于项目进度迫切。这样能营造出共同协商的信任关系,让对方确信你积极与他同一阵线参与其中。列举逻辑使人思考,而动用情感能使人行动!
有时,我尽职地与“中间人”确定了时间日期,积极地跟进。我打了十几个电话,发了许多电子邮件和传真,然后得到的回复是她们不愿意进一步合作。其中的寓意 就是,当你确信工作会达到预期结果时,也可能出现相反,无论你做得多么职业。尽管出乎意料,但不是不会发生,过失不在于你,而是运气,你要保持警觉。

关于运气,还有一个例子。某次我负责 cold call安排一个访问,受访者是台湾一个身兼十几个行业协会董事和n个公司的管理层,行业协会网站上单是电话号码就十几个。我挑了其中一个顺眼号码打过 去,那是某协会的前台,碰巧的是那位德高望重的受访者正好当日在该协会参加会议,更更更巧的是他此刻正好踏进办公室。前台小姐惊叹我的电话为何如此精准打 入,估计我非常有来头之人,异常热情尽责。而往后的一切安排变得出奇地顺利。

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Wednesday, February 11, 2009

[Q&A] Questions from an HR major student

By 阿杜.Steward

Hi, folks, below is an email from reader Tracy, who’s very interested in pursuing a job in consulting industry upon her graduation in 2010, but wondering whether her school major/academic background and internship experience will be a disadvantage to prevent her from reaching her goal. And at the time, it doesn’t seem like she’s got her plan worked out well either-she’s also considering to continue her study abroad as alternative to job-hunting. In other words, she has a lot more thinking to do for the incoming hiring season. In my response, I tried to answered her questions and give some unsolicited advice, which of course only represent my own opinion.

[Note. I started writing the reply a few days ago, but it turned out to be a long piece. I think her situation may apply to other readers so I decided to quote her email and make a post here. At the same time, if you’ve got some advice for her, please be kind to make a comment, it's appreciated !]

From: Tracy.C
Sent: Sun, Feb 8, 2009 at 9:09 PM
To: Steward.du[at]gmail[dot]com

Hi steward,

Actually I'm in final year of college and will graduate in 2010. I am very interested in pursuing consulting as a starting career upon graduation, but my academic background and several working and voluntary experience mainly on admin which quite relevant to my major: human resource management. And I think that is actually against my passion in analysis and somewhat limit my job-hunting for my desired job. I'm not sure whether to be an executive or a professional consultant with my double character. I've been a reader of your blog, could you please tell me is it possible to find a way which can balance my major and personal interest? If the answer is HR consultancy firm, what's your suggestion on taking the fist step into this field? I understand that barely having interest is not enough, but no one is willing to offer someone who doesn’t have targeted educational background and relevant experience to have a try and prove herself, especially in this recession year, isn't it?

I planned to further my education abroad and have already taken TOEFL test with a fare score. But the problem come the same with job hunting. Continue the HR major or not. It would be little chance to apply for another major with scholarship as far as I know.

In all, I don't want my major to be the limitation, but it seems that networking and experiences come along with the major itself. I'm afraid I'll be restrained in this field and have no chances or high opportunity cost to transfer as the time goes by. How can I think and act beyond the major at the very beginning? Do I really need to do this?

Sorry for troubling you.


From: Steward
Sent: Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 9:33 AM

Hi, Tracy

I hope this message finds you doing well. Thanks for the readership and thinking of me as a resource for your question. I’m happy to discuss with you in fleshing it out.

As I read your email, I realized that you are driven, you don’t lack passion and you still have a brand new 2009 ahead. Therefore, I want to assure you in advance that DO NOT over-worry your “weakness”.

It looks like your biggest concern is your school major and work experiences aren’t strong enough to land you on a competitive position on the start during hiring process. And the short answer from me is that, pursuing a dream job IS NOT something that should be taken lightly for anyone. It’s harsh for all job applicants, so once you set your goal, first of all mentally prepare yourself for the rigors lie ahead. Cool?

...Good, let’s focus more on the execution part of your situation and be prepared for the harder words (I don’t mean to make it harsh, but that’s something you should really ask yourself internally, and try to face it without fear of failure). Are you certain you’re right for that industry before you decide to pursuit the job? Should you focus more attention on some other professions that better match your situation instead?

- In your email, you blamed your school major and work experience all the way through. These are disadvantages but don't take them as EXCUSES or only REASON for the setback you encountered.

- You wondered is it possible to find a way which can balance your major and personal interest in analyzing and solving problems. But I don’t see any conflict between your major and your interest. You’re studying Human Resource, and I’m pretty sure your course covered business knowledge such as accounting, corporate finance, general management, marketing etc. Those basic you picked up in text book already gave you many edges when competing with another candidate who’s major in Civil Engineering or Literal Arts. Besides, through some campus student activities, you have probably developed a set of soft skills, including problem solving, leadership, and effective communication. These skills apply in many contexts and can defiantly prepare you for lots of career opportunities! Then you have some work experience in admin, good, so that’s your chance to perform as a self-driven person. Did you leverage the chance to observe a real company’s structure with both breath and depth, identify opportunities and challenges in organizational contexts, and build personal relationships with your mentors from whom you can seek more specific advice?

- You worried you’re not from a top-tier targeted school. Many people are asking variation of this question. And as far as I know, no doubt top consulting firms have school favor during campus recruitment, but please don’t bet all your luck on these big names. There’re bunch of good companies that worth a try and they offer decent personal development as well. However, if you have strong experience in your resume that outshines other competitors (achievement in world-class firms, award of contest, start-up/student activities that show your leadership), you have higher chance of sitting in front of an interview. You admitted that you don’t have relevant work experience, and obviously you lack a clear understanding about consulting and that’s simply not good enough for your application to be taken seriously. Otherwise, what do you think you can differentiate yourself from other candidates?

- You're puzzled and found networking and experiences come along with the major itself,then your major become limiting factor again. Yet I don’t see you’re trying hard to achieve this. I understand that this maybe due to lacking channels to meet people or getting referred-in to a job. But that isn’t a valid excuse for not being able to reach out to more people. You don’t need to start as an intern in a consulting firm to know some consultants, right? Utilize your school alumni networks / extended personal network (you know from blog or through friend) and join some careers forums, company workshop, read their blogs/article and try to contact them literally etc as the first step. To be honest, I can’t offer you an exhaustive list of methods to extend your network, only by thinking long and hard can you figure out the right way for your own. That showcases your problem solving ability, agree?

- You asked for my suggestion on taking the fist step if you want to target an HR consultancy firm. I recommend you inject more time in the following area to pave your way through in the remaining year of your college:

a) Be serious with your class, GPA matters. Think further the theories you learned in text books and connect them with real world cases. Take the lead and enjoy any study group homework.

b) Practice your English. English is good weapon to impress others. Are you orally fluent, and can you write a clear email that people can catch your points easily? (Email is handy tool to stay connected with others) Well, it requires practice and persistence.

c) Network. You can’t anticipate how a contact may help you in the future, you need to find out joy of talking to people with shared interests. If this makes you feel uncomfortable, don’t force yourself to do so. At the same time, be general to offer your help to others in need if possible.

d) Stick to your interest. People love to work with fun person instead of a working machine. So do you have any hobby besides job job job ? It could be sport, music, reading, writing or even collecting crappy Chinese sneakers. Your personal interest indicates if you hold passion in a certain area and reflect your creativity as well.

e) Stay tuned on isteward. You're probably tired of the dry humor of the author, but there’re bunch of great readers around that with experience and kindness to offer their help :)

Wow, this turned into a much longer email than I expected when I started it. I hope that you find it helpful at some points. Good luck on your 2009 and eventual prosperous result upon your graduation! Don't hesitate to shoot me emails to share with me your good news from time to time :)

-Stew |

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Tuesday, February 10, 2009

[Just4Fun] Street battle, consultans vs bankers

[MSN message history]
C.H 11:51:01

btw,bankers really look down upon consultants in a harsh way. here is a funny clip, see below
阿杜.Steward 11:51:32
Yup, but the world now all looks down upon the selfish greedy bankers seriously...

[Background info of the video| From]

In addition to producing the video, Portal A developed a unique distribution strategy to help it reach a wide audience. This involved finding placement for the video on a number of popular blogs, including Wallstrip, Valleywag, Dealbreaker, and Next New Networks. After launching on YouTube, the video had over 200,000 views within a week.


[Hot Dog Vendor]
Bankers and Consultants, it's time to squash the beef
Gonna settle this now
Right here on the street

M C.K. Prahalad (echoes)
It's about to get weird...

You bankers don't have a clue, better take some courses
I'm on some Jedi mind sh*t, using all five forces
Work hard, play hard even your mom thinks you're a tool
Be a burnout banker, teaching math at my prep school
I make sick decks
I use the three C's -
Chicks, Cash, Cristal, that's my only strategy
You're playing with Excel doing nothing but grunt work
I'm analyzing both qualitative AND quantitative research
You slave away, another piece of the machine
I make a really significant impact and get home by 7:15
I work half the time you do, I know you must hate this
Hold up... I'm about to put you in a two-by-two matrix
I'm the star homey, your a*s is a cog
You're in the lower-right quadrant but you still aint my dog
(OH SH*T!)
And I know something about you...
You went to Walt Whitman - that's a PUBLIC SCHOOL!

Hot Dog Vendor
Oooh Sh****t! The consultant straight ripped it,
Now let's see if the bankers can kick it.

Button collar, Kenneth Coles.
Sh*t son, your blackberry's like four year's old.
While you're out mining for gold out in saskatchewan
I'm going for bronze at the tanning salon
You try to add value...I straight create it
You get one sh*tty idea then take six months just to bake it.
Still get paid in a recession, homey you know this.
Where's the dow at? (11,000!)
Still bigger than your bonus.
I got a house in the Hamptons and a penthouse loft
But you've got intangibles, is that why your skills are so soft?
Over at 1OAK the bouncer looks at you sideways
Get back to your roots, there's no line at TGI Friday's
Hypothetical scenario: you get into the joint
You still can't buy bottles with Starwood Points
Free on nights and weekends with no discernable skill
Not sure if you're a consultant or my cell phone bill
Might work 100-hour weeks, barely sleep
Do some blow off my desk when I'm eight red bulls deep
Compared to what you do, my job's a challenge
I like my bank roll, bro

This is Wall St., b#$*h, you don't belong here
I'm your greatest fear, the sh*t you wish you could be
but are two weak to get near
Is it starting to make sense?
Is it starting to come clear?

Take this mouse and get back to making $60K a year

Hot Dog Vendor
That's not a lot of money,
We found out who's the real gangster, sing it with me now

Damn it Feels Good to Be a Banker
Oh Oh Oh!
Damn it feels good go be a banker.

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Need someone for a short interview | France 24

Dear readers,

As an observor working for France24 (Click to know more),we are working on an article for the crisis and unemployment and may need your help. One of my colleague Segolene would like to follow several unemployed people from different countries along 2009.

The idea is that to know how they’ve been fired, how they are going to recover, how they manage to pay their bills and their loans, if they plan to do a training to get another job, etc …
(we will conduct a brief interview with that person thruough email or telephone, upon his/her convenience )

If you know any people who would be interested (within this week would be great ! ), contact me, it's more than appreciated !!!!

If this post is making you uncomfortable, sorry I was being jerk.


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Friday, February 6, 2009

[连载]聊聊咨询那些事 13 之听合伙人讲故事(下)

By 阿杜.Steward

...接 《听合伙人讲故事(上)》







- 例如有些合伙人天生是谈判高手,他口中说出的词汇永远是那么丰富优美平易近人,很快就能和客户产生化学作用(这是某合伙人的原话大意),这样不但你会赢得客户,甚至你的客户还会帮助你推荐新的客户。

- 例如有些合伙人特别注重培养自己的演讲技巧,于是许多群体愿意花钱请你去演讲,哪怕你像唐骏那样每次讲同样的故事,听众还是听得兴奋。

- 例如有些合伙人不但管理好,而且写作也一流,所以很多杂志喜欢向他约稿(在国外有些咨询顾问的稿费或者书本版税能成为重要的收入来源!)

- 例如有些合伙人天生有美术细胞,他们为自己设计独特的标识(名片和信封,还有其他印刷品),在适当的场合分发这些印有你联系方法的东西。

- 有一次我发现,原来他们还会整理一份邮件名单(恩,他们多数会将所有名片用机器扫面成电子版储存起来,而不是把几千张名片堆放在抽屉里),这份名单能帮助你迅速找到需要的潜在客户群。同时,你定时向他们发送邮件(对,以个人的名义)。我发现我认识的一些较资深的销售的朋友就正在使用这招保持人脉。这对于合伙人来说同样管用,不过发送的不是笑话,而是预先分类好,对不同类别客户有价值的东西,同时为客户的回馈提供方便的空间。
最厉害的老板,把上述所有阀门都打开了,让他的企业在金融危机中财源滚滚而不是裁员滚蛋。看到这里,你对我开头引用的那张consultanninja的表格中的“sell sell sell”应该有了更深的认识了吧?

我建议学生们从两方面培养扎实的技能(solid skill),在职业的早期,这些技能越越扎实越好。




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[连载]聊聊咨询那些事 12 之听合伙人讲故事(上)

Conference Hall


1. 如果你打算在不久后申请一个咨询顾问的职位,也应该了解一下在全球市场阴霾的今天,这个行业是否仍然值得你追求;
2. 即使在你遥远的未来从事咨询事业的可能性非常小,甚至根本没有这种可能,也能在这篇文章得到一些收益:诸如行业共通知识和个人发展的建议。


演讲者中有来自咨询公司的高层,讲话的前一部分是关于他们如何帮助客户解决问题和取得成功的,当中包括许多响当当的企业名字以及政府项目。这是不可避免的,因为大多数的论坛同时也是推介会,推介会就是推销自己(的服务和产品)。而讲话的后半部分涉及了项目的销售以及各种兴趣盎然的故事,一下将演讲者和观众(当中应该包括了其潜在的客户)的距离拉近了许多。本文就是根据演讲内容,会后network以及适当的follow up夹着个人胡思乱想整理而成。


All strategy consulting firms have the same 6-level structure even though the titles may change, as the above table shows. There’s really only 4 when you’re talking about day-to-day work actions, and how to succeed. I’ll tackle these one at a time in separate articles.

Level A – Business Analyst / Senior Business Analyst (McKinsey-Equivalent)
Ok, we get it. You’re smart, you double majored in math and literature at Harvard. You’ve been to India, and you went to the coolest homecoming party ever last week. You read GettingDrunkInFirstClass and consider yourself a TD.
The trouble is, you can’t analyze your way out of a paper bag. Associates spoon-feed you slides to make and excel models to build, only to have to step in to constantly correct your slides so you don’t embarrass the team with fuckups. You can’t present to the client because they don’t trust a 22-year old (rightfully so).
We don’t hate you. We just know that you’re pretty worthless, and that you have an inflated ego that needs to be beat down. So, let me give you the key success factors you need to follow:
KSF 1) It’s better to be right than to be fast.
Don’t fuck up your analysis. If you can’t build the model right, say so. Otherwise you’re going to embarrass the team. To try mightily and fail is a good personal ethic, but don’t sign up your team to fail right alongside you.
KSF 2) Know Excel and PowerPoint better than you know your own mother.
Make these programs your bitches. Stop using the mouse, and look down with disdain on your peers who don’t know as many keyboard shortcuts as you. Crush your excel models, have them driven before you, and hear the lamentations of your workbooks. To paraphrase the Marines, “Every consultant is an excel jockey.”
KSF 3) Make your Associate’s Life Easier.
Can you get his coffee in the morning when you get yours? Are you doing the collating, the printing, the sorting, the stapling? Can you proofread? Yes, these are shit jobs, but it’s better that you do them than the Associate.
KSF 4) Make your Associate’s Life Easier (2).
Watch your Associate and see what he does with your work. What’s the next step in the “value chain” of the analysis, and can you do it? Look to see how you can move forward in the analysis. What is the Associate going to ask, once he sees your analysis? What will your answer be?
If you adhere to these 4 Key Success Factors, you will rapidly be promoted in the organization. If you don’t, you’ll be fired.
需要解释一下的是,Analyst(分析师)中仅仅有15%的人最终成为合伙人(数据来源于其讲话内容),大多数都选择了自行离开(或许是因为所得到的报酬让人难以抗拒,或者因为他们希望生活方式有所改变),他们打算在公司混两年,然后去读商学院,读完回来再当顾问,他们年轻,聪明敬业,非常好用。对于年轻的咨询师,他们要做的是培养扎实的咨询技能(solid consulting skill),做好了这些,他便成为了众人眼中的好顾问。associate是指那些拥有MBA学历并梦想着成为合伙人的人。

噢,天啊,能成为公司的拥有者,要是能成为合伙人,该是件多么了不起的事情!能经常去新加坡出差,中途在巴厘岛度假,四处忙碌做空中飞人。嗯,其实你还不是很清楚其实这样的生活有多么痛苦。他们是在忙着制作幻灯片吗?不是的,在每个项目上,董事和合伙人的参与时间实际只有短短几天。余下的事情,都是由他们手下那群训练有素的由project manager带领的团队去完成。



更不要说经济不景气的时候了,这时会产生不利的情况:首先,五百强的跨国企业那些每年跟我们签了global contract的客户停止购买或者将项目延迟和取消(总之是通过各种五花八门的原因,包括他们已经建立了内部咨询团队,他们更换了CEO等等);然后,仿佛许多客户都忙于处理公司内部严重的问题,你无法联系到他们,电话变成语音信箱/电子邮件设置成自动回复,无人举办推介会,渠道干涸。




更新:[连载]聊聊咨询那些事 13 之听合伙人讲故事(下)
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Thursday, February 5, 2009

[推荐]电子邮件 非诚勿扰

电子邮件在商务沟通中使用十分频繁,尤其上班的人玩得最起劲,重要性不言而喻。工作之后也被卷入电子邮件的漩涡,当然,电子邮件速度快,能附带丰富信息,是与世界各地的同事和朋友保持联系的一种非常经济的方式。 然而,由于快速而便宜,可能缺乏应有的重视。如果你正在寻找关于撰写电子邮件的建议,我绝对要向你推荐 Chris 的这篇《Email Etiquette - Ten Checks Before Sending Out Your Next Email》。在送出你下一封邮件之前,注意这些细节,能直接提高了沟通效率和效果。


b)姓名采用统一格式,eg.“Chen, Lele ”。这样能加快日后对联系人的搜索,特别对于那些诸如xyz_happy2009@hotmail.com这类无规律的邮箱地址;

a)例如用大写字母或者加粗强调重点字眼 eg.USING ALL CAPITAL LETTERS LOOKS AS IF YOU'RE SHOUTING. 你还可以通过bullet points,排版,颜色来达到这一目的。




如果你一天需要收发几十封电子邮件,我则建议你阅读 How Many Times a Day Should You Check Email? 和检讨自己是否电子邮件上瘾。工作后的人们电子邮件沟通超级频繁,常常需要花大量时间在电子邮件上。许多美国员工对使用电子邮件的上瘾(Email addict),以致发生了像IBM,英特尔,Google,微软这些公司不得不成立了 IORG协会(Information Overload Research Group)协会来共同商讨如何引导员工高效使用Email的趣事。包括美国总统奥巴马也承认自己是“黑莓发烧友”,而不得不为了上任后继续使用手机而说服安全部的官员(Blackberry黑莓手机,又称Crackberry"烂霉",因为其接受电子邮件功能变成商务流行)。

回想我第一次使用电子邮件是学会上网不久,我申请了第一个电子邮箱(21cn的,带2M附件空间)。那时候上网基本靠电话线(费用贵,所以极少人会一直在网上“挂”着),手机短信也没普及,网上没别的东西玩,于是电子邮件成了我用得最多的工具(用来给读大学的哥哥写信,写些文章到当时最流行的《电脑商情报》和《21st century》骗稿费和交笔友)。转眼已经十年过去了,有时翻查Email Inbox,俨然像在阅读一本特殊的日记:)
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